Presidents Day Weekend
February 14-17, 2020
Hilton Los
Angeles Airport
5711 W Century Blvd., Los Angeles,
California 90045
Friday Schedule*
———- 2:00 PM ———-
Dead INN – About two hours
It is past last call at your favorite drinking establishment. As you move out onto the street you realize how dark a night it is. It’s a good thing that you are with your friends as you head home to sleep.
———- 4:00 PM ———-
Journey to the farmlands. – About two hours
No one has heard from a quite farming valley for a while. As a favor you and your friends go out there and to see what is going on. After all nothing bad ever happens in the middle of nowhere.
Saturday Schedule*
———- 12:00 (Noon) ———-
Dead INN – About two hours
It is past last call at your favorite drinking establishment. As you move out onto the street you realize how dark a night it is. It’s a good thing that you are with your friends as you head home to sleep.
———- 2:00 PM ———-
The Old Hunters Lodge – About two hours
You and your friends are out hunting in the forest. It is getting late and there is a old hunter’s lodge near by. It is a famous landmark used by many people over the years as a place sleep and to meet up with people. Wait…. Is that a noise you hear coming from inside?
———- 4:00 PM ———-
Down River – About two hours
You have been hired to protect the cargo of a river boat doing down river. It is a seven day trip down river, easy work for money. 3 days in…. did you just see something?
Sunday Schedule *
———- 12:00 (Noon) ———-
Dead INN – About two hours
It is past last call at your favorite drinking establishment. As you move out onto the street you realize how dark a night it is. It’s a good thing that you are with your friends as you head home to sleep.
———- 2:00 PM ———-
The Old Hunters Lodge – About two hours
You and your friends are out hunting in the forest. It is getting late and there is a old hunter’s lodge near by. It is a famous landmark used by many people over the years as a place sleep and to meet up with people. Wait…. Is that a noise you hear coming from inside?
———- 4:00 PM ———-
Journey to the farmlands. – About two hours
No one has heard from a quite farming valley for a while. As a favor you and your friends go out there and to see what is going on. After all nothing bad ever happens in the middle of nowhere.
* The schedule and adventures played are subject to change