What is Defenders of Terra game?
How is it different?
Why use cards?
What are the game mechanics?
Are you looking to replace D&D?
Why Kickstarter?
What is Defenders of Terra game?
It is a fast, easy, and fun TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing game) wth easy character creation, easy setup and fast action.
We are currently in beta testing and still fine tuning the game. We are looking to go to Kickstarter in 2022. Which means that we are looking for both feedback and then support for the Kickstarter.
How is it different?
The most significant difference between Defenders of Terra and other similar games is that it uses cards to represent the characters, weapons, objects and magic spells. It also integrates a dice system for that thrill of rolling to determine the outcome of events.

Why use cards?
All the information you need for any particular spell, weapon or artifact is in the given card, right at players fingertips. There is no need to stop the game and constantly look information up. This can speed up a game significantly.
The cards also track things easily. If a player loses an arrow, then they turn in the card and they no longer have it.
The whole character build can easily be stored in a small box, which can be pulled out as for future games.
What are the game mechanics?
The system runs under a two D6 dice rolling mechanic. Making things very simple and easy to understand. While the game is almost done, we will post most about the mechanics down the road.
Are you looking to replace D&D?
NO. We are not looking to replace D&D or other TTRPG but looking to fill a niche between the complexity of of D&D / Pathfinder and a rules-light game.
This game is designed to give the players that RPG feeling and crunch without the hours of character creation, painful rules arguments, and other things that bog down the game.
Why Kickstarter?
We are not some big company with deep pockets. The Defenders of Terra is going back to Kickstarter’s original purpose of supporting unique ideas and bringing them to life with the help of backers and supporters.